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Feminine Hair Accessories
Bow Headbands

Staying Focused with Feminine Bow Headbands

Have you ever felt the frustration of your hair being in the way?  Maybe when you are working out, at work or even just cleaning your closet.  Sometimes you just need to stay focused and not let an...

Feminine Hair Accessories
Bow Headbands

Glam Time✨ Feminine Hair Accessories

Self care is important.  Not only does it help you become more productive and relaxed, it helps you gain clarity for whatever is to come.  Having your hair done, a manicure did, or that massage you...

Feminine Hair Accessories
Bow Headbands

#WeekendMode 🎀 Feminine Hair Accessories

It's the weekend.  A time to create a little space for yourself.  Whether it's a few moments of silence in the morning, a long bath or an afternoon hiking around nature, having the space to connect...

Glam Feminine Hair Accessories
Bow Headbands

#HumpDay Hair 🎀 Headbands For Every Look

When it gets to be the middle of the week.  There is hope.  Hope for the weekend.  Hope for that ladies night.   Hope that you will have a good hair day this week.  No matter what kind of midweek s...