Feminine & Flawless 🎀 Bow Bracelets
The act of accessorizing can be a bit of both an art and a science. It's a careful balance between the two. Color theory, placement strategy and overall impact all play a part in accessorizing. ...
Feminine Jewelry for Ladies Night
It only happens one night a week. It's a time for celebration that the week is almost over and the weekend is just a day away! Thursday nights are for the ladies. This gathering of togetherness ...
Feminine Earrings Perfect For #Brunching
When it comes to casually catching up with friends, meeting someone new or networking with a group of professionals, having the right look when you are brunching can transform your experience. ...
Why You Need Sexy Black Chokers🖤
Chokers. They were a big hit of the 90s. But chokers actually have a longer history than what you would expect. They date as far back as the 1700s and have become a staple in the world of fashio...
3 Bow Chokers To Wear This Fall
Feminine jewelry. That beautiful accent you wear when you want to feel and look feminine. No matter if it's a simple bracelet or a bold belt or just a bow choker, having a good mixture of on-tren...
3 Feminine Bracelets for Every Look
When it comes to deciding what jewelry to wear, it can be a difficult decision. There are so many options. Like so many. Gold, silver, black? Whatever your taste and whatever your preferences a...
Follow Me 🎀 3 Feminine Bracelets To Take Everywhere
When it's the weekend, it's time to enjoy a little space. Space to think freely. To enjoy the activities you want to enjoy. To simply consume the moments of freedom that are sometimes so limited...
Trendy Tyes 🎀 Feminine Statement Jewelry
Accessorizing. It's kinda like putting together pieces in a puzzle. You have the pieces in your closet, now you need to do the creative thinking to put together the outfit that you want. Sometime...