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It's Showtime✨ Burlesque Pasties
The nights are getting longer. The days are getting shorter. That typically means that you will be spending more time in the bedroom. So light it up with the Pastyes Collection of feminine nippl...

Put On A Show 🎀 Burlesque Pasties
The lights have gone done low. The music is soft. The mood has got you lost deep within yourself as you begin to put on a show. But this is no ordinary show, this is a show of love, of passion an...

Burlesque Pasties For Your Next Show✨
Have you ever danced around your room to your favorite song? Most of us have. It's a fun way to work out, release some stress and have fun. Dancing comes in many forms, but one that not all of u...
It's Your Show 🎀 Burlesque Nipple Cover Pasties
Burlesque. A popular form of entertainment that is defined as taking a serious matter and making light of it. In the 1840s, yes the 1840s, Burlesque found it's way from Europe over to Canada and t...